manufacturing documents


Sprinter Van Manufacturing plan

Manufacturing Plan for a Mercedes Sprinter van conversion. It shows the processes and time needed to complete a van from start to finish. Tasks were added or deleted depending on the conversion. The plan was used on the manufacturing floor to ensure no task was missed and maintain quality of the build. Click the link to view more.


Sprinter van wire length document

This document was used to find wire lengths for electrical components (lights, USB, fan, etc.). Knowing the lengths of different parts of the van allowed for the creation of the wire harness without having to measure inside of the van. It also showed the location for each electrical component so installers know.


Gantt chart for van manufacturing timeline

Here is a timeline for the tasks listed on the manufacturing plan above. The gantt chart shows each phase of the manufacturing plan and the time allotted. This was done to ensure the company stays on track for building components and delivering vans on time.